Behavior Analysis of Tofu Business Producer in Margodadi Village, Sumberrejo Sub-District, Tanggamus Regency, in Islamic Business Ethics Perpective
(1) Faculty of Islamic Business Economics at IAI An-Nur Lampung
(*) Corresponding Author
Business implementation is defined as activities that are allowed in Islam. Business ethics should be applied by business people, because ethics regulates all intentional activities. The implementation of this research was motivated by tofu production companies that deviate from Islamic business ethics. The marketing process had been carried out without transparency of the condition of the goods to consumers. Honesty is regarded as the most important element in ethics. It is the pinnacle of the morality of faith and the most prominent characteristic of believers.
This research formulated two problems: 1) How is the perspective of Islamic business ethics on the behavior of producers in producing tofu in Margodadi village, and 2) How is the perspective of Islamic business ethics on the behavior of producers in marketing tofu in Margodad village?. This research was classified as a field research, by conducting a qualitative approach. The results of this research were analyzed by the deductive method.
The results of this research indicated that the production process had been carried out in accordance with the basic principles of Islamic business ethics, because producers applied the principle of honesty in the use of raw materials, particularly not mixing raw materials between standard quality materials and low standard quality materials. Meanwhile, in marketing, there was a quality that did not match the goods offered and the actual product results. Furthermore, cheating in business is considered as dzalim behavior, and is not justified in Islamic law.
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