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Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Lampung

Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Lampung

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International Business and Accounting Research Journal

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Journal of Islamic Business and Economic Review

P-ISSN 2623-0410 | E-ISSN 2623-0402

Journal of Islamic Business and Economic Review (JIBER) is a peer reviewed, open access with 2 issues per year. We also assist International and National Conference to publish their conference papers. Journal of Islamic Business and Economic Review (JIBER) covers all disciplines Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance always strives to be a platform for Academicians, new Researchers, Authors, Engineers and Technocrats and Engineering Scholars. Since inception, Journal of Islamic Business and Economic Review (JIBER) is continuously publishing original and best quality research articles.

Abstracting & Indexing: Google Scholar

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International Research of Economic and Management Education

P-ISSN 2721-7973 | E-ISSN 2809-6320

International Research of Economic and Management Education is a Journal published by Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Lampung. The journal will focus on providing quality research in the areas of economics, and management. The goal of the journal is to cover topics that are paramount in economics and management. Accordingly, papers that focus on emerging and interdisciplinary topics are encouraged. In addition, the goal of the journal is to provide research that is relevant and applicable to a diverse set of education researchers and professionals. The Journal is published twice a year in January and July. The aim of the journal is to disseminate the economic and management research done by researchers.

Abstracting & Indexing: Google Scholar, Moraref, Garuda

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Journal of Islamic Strategic and Development Studies

E-ISSN 2809-6649

The field of strategic studies has never been more significant than it is today. Journal of Islamic Strategic and Development Studies has taken a lead in promoting fresh thinking in the field among scholars and practitioners alike. The defining feature of the Journal of Islamic Strategic and Development Studies is its commitment to multi-disciplinary approaches to the study of war. The editors welcome articles that challenge our historical understanding of humanity's efforts to achieve political ends through the application of military and diplomatic means; articles on contemporary security and theoretical controversies of enduring value; and of course articles that explicitly combine the historical and theoretical approaches to the study of modern warfare, defense policy, and modern strategy.

Abstracting & Indexing: Google Scholar, MORAREF

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Indonesian Journal of Banking and Marketing Perspective

E-ISSN 2809-5898

Indonesian Journal of Banking and Marketing Perspective is an international peer reviewed journal devoted to publish most recent research in the field of Banking and marketing perspectives. This academic journal covers the research on finance banking capital markets and Islamic finance banking capital markets, finance and Islamic financial, banking institutions and topics in marketing investments, marketing banking and corporate marketing The journal welcomes and publishes original articles, commentary, editorials, letters to the editor, review articles and case report describing original research in the subjects of Islamic banking and Marketing perspectives.

Abstracting & Indexing: Google Scholar


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